#0AB3Elopak ASA NOK
as of 2024-05-17
1M : -53.76%
6M : -40.99%
1Yr : 0%
Company Profile
Name: Elopak ASA NOK
Code: 0AB3
Exchange: LSE
Country: UK
Address: Karenslyst Alle 53, Oslo, Norway, 0279
Fulltime Employees: 2,019.00

Profile Description:

Elopak ASA manufactures and supplies paper-based packaging solutions for liquid food in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, the Americas, and internationally. It offers Pure-Pak cartons for chilled and aseptic liquid food; common roll fed aseptic carton; D-PAK cartons for non food products for personal and home care; and filling equipment. It also offers standard flexo, super flexo, UV-flexo, and offset litho printing services, as well as digital print proofs and machine print proofs on paper board. Further, it provides machines and equipment through spare part webshop. Elopak ASA was founded in 1957 and is headquartered in Oslo, Norway.

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